Think Doomed (More)

client: Apple
improvement: Think Doomed
date: June 21, 1998

Subject: The Billboard Liberation Front: Think Doomed
Date: June, 21 1998 13:16:35 -0700 (PDT)
From: Conrad Hoc


(June 21, 1998 — San Francisco) The Billboard Liberation Front unveiled the latest addition to its ongoing Apple Computer Advertising Enhancement Campaign late Sunday night. A major freeway billboard graced with the ethereal countenance of doomed aviator Amelia Earhart was modified by changing the caption from the grammatically challenged “Think Different” to the more appropriate “Think Doomed”.

This ongoing series was initiated on 4/27/98 with an improvement to an Apple board showcasing Hollywood party favorite The Dali Lama and the new, improved slogan “Think Disillusioned.” Other boards in this ongoing campaign include: Alfred Hitchcock: “Think Dead”; Richard Branson: “Think Dork”; and Ted Turner: “Think Dividends”.

Chiat/Day, the advertising agency responsible for this campaign should be commended for their choice of Pop Icons as well as the exceptional imagery employed on the various boards. Their captions, however, need a little work.

This latest improvement, located on the westbound skyway near 4th St. in San Francisco, is timed to coincide with the opening of the “Web ’98” convention taking place at Moscone Center, one block away. We hope that our work will encourage high-tech advertisers to dig even deeper in their quest to find catchy celebrity cadavers with greedy grandchildren to pitch their products. It’s the American way.

Branson, Turner and other live tycoons gracing this Apple campaign with their noble visages have opened a trust with the substantial fees received. This trust, “The King’s Forest Trust” is dedicated to privatizing prime “Natural Habitats and Environments” in order to preserve these tasty morsels of greenery for their own and their descendants’ delectation. This selfless effort was inspired when these magnates realized how pleasant Montana was after they bought it and forced the rabble out.

Keep your eyes open in the near future for more in this ongoing series of Apple billboard enhancements brought to you by the helpful and friendly folks of the BLF.

Founded by a cabal of eccentric advertising professionals, the Billboard Liberation Front has pursued its mission of improving outdoor advertising worldwide since 1977. Major campaigns have augmented the promotions of Exxon, R.J. Reynolds, Zenith, Plymouth, and other Fortune 500 firms.

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