eVision (More)

client: Fortune Magazine
improvement: eVision
date: March 31, 2000

Billboard Liberation Front
News on the March!
Date: March 31, 2001
Subject: Billboard Liberation Front eVinces e-Vision
From: Devon Nullsford


(March 31, 2001 — San Francisco) The Billboard Liberation Front today announced a major improvement to a Central Freeway billboard at the intersection of 11th St. and Division in San Francisco. The enhanced billboard celebrates the eVision and continued eVigor of those eBusinesses viable enough to sustain the New Economy’s recent growing pains whilst the idealism relied on by the rest of their sector was insufficient to save them from wholesale eRadication.

STATEMENT from members of the Billboard Liberation Front:

In the Land of the Dead, only the living eat. After the market’s latest feeding frenzy we look to the leaders, the visionaries who are still standing, for answers. Does a visionary need to “see” when the playing field has been scorched clean and there are no remaining obstacles to market dominance? Better to bribe the boatman with coins, and row past the smoking corpses of the day traders and fund managers littering the shore. We applaud Amazon and the handful of other e-tail survivors who’ve managed to keep going this long, and we hope they still have the stomach for a bounteous free lunch of fallen competitors. Future lunches have of course been partially underwritten by the legion of now unemployed cannon fodder who worked 80-hour weeks to bring their once-new technologies to market. The Journal sure knows how to pick a winner. And when Amazon is eventually devoured by Bertelsman or Time/Warner, a belch of e-satisfaction will be all that’s left to remind us of our generation’s Tulip Craze. We at the BLF are glad to see that the lessons of history are not lost on today’s e-captains of e-industry. The nearly 100 automobile manufacturers of the roaring 20’s drove the bull market of their time in much the same way that e-tailers, e-marketers, and e-licious e-concerns drove our chart-busting bulge. And Surprise!!! By the mid-30’s, after the market “correction” we now remember as The Great Depression, there were four car companies left in America. The smart money won, and the dumb money scratched its head and wondered what happened.. “We’re in the money!, we’re in the money!” was the clarion call of the plumbers, office workers and other financial lemmings of the 20’s boom. Will any catchphrase of our era live on in the same fashion, surviving to haunt us with its ironic naivete? Perhaps simply the letter “e.” We at the BLF are happy to point out that in a business landscape devoid of risk, the real Players don’t need to see. And they certainly don’t need to see us.

-Blank DeCoverley
-Jack Napier

For more propaganda, please visit https://www.billboardliberation.com

The Billboard Liberation Front has been improving and enhancing the Outdoor Ad images of the biggest and best(sic) of America’s commercial and industrial giants for 24 years. Exxon, Levi’s, R.J. Reynolds, Apple, G.M.C. and dozens of other corporate behemoths have had their Ad campaigns tweaked by the BLF. The Billboard Liberation Front was formed in 1977 by Jack Napier and Irving Glikk after the two were kidnapped, blindfolded and forced to alter a billboard along with 24 other clueless copywriters by the nefarious San Francisco Suicide Club.

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