1-800-USNITCH (More)

client: Bay Area Air Quality Management District
improvement: 1-800-USNITCH
date: November 10, 2002

Subject: The Billboard Liberation Front welcomes Ron English
Date: Sunday, November 10, 2002
From: Jack Napier and Ron English



November 10, 2002 (San Francisco, CA) — The Billboard Liberation Front welcomes New York/New Jersey Artist and Billboard Copywriter Ron English to San Francisco. English’s paintings are hanging at 111 Minna St. Gallery (near Mission & 2nd) and his latest Billboard Enhancement, produced in cooperation with the BLF, can be seen on Evans Street near the Hunters Point Shipyard entrance.

Pissed off at your parents smoking pot?

Bothered by the neighbors listening to Mariah Carey a little too loud?

In-laws cheating on their taxes?

People smoking cigarettes near you?

As part of the heroic U. S. Government and private citizen “posse comitatus” efforts to keep annoying poor people off of the streets and out of our hair, the BLF and Ron English have “improved” a Bay Area Air Quality Management District Billboard. The grotesque attempts of these pathetic non-consumers to join the ranks of healthy American shopping public is to be scorned and reviled. How many smoking vehicles do you actually see in a month? Two, three? Maybe five at the most? Way too many, and obviously, anyone driving one of these vehicles is simply too poor to be allowed on city and state streets. William Burroughs noted some time back that America was a “Nation of Finks”. We agree, and being true optimists, believe this to be a positive state of affairs. If we Americans continue at our current rate of informing, in only a few short years any upstanding citizen, with a simple phone call to the appropriate agency, will be able to “neutralize” the offending or annoying behavior of any or ALL of their neighbors. Anticipating who calls first will generate the only suspense in these civic affairs.

So be the first one on YOUR block!! Call 1-800-USNITCH and help America today for a better America tomorrow!

For more information on The Billboard Liberation Front see https://www.billboardliberation.com and for Ron English please visit http://www.popaganda.com.

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