Think Disillusioned (Media)

client: Apple
improvement: Think Disillusioned
date: April 28, 1998

email responses — April 1998

“An elementary school teacher disillusioned with Apple’s grammar did it.”
Eric S., Elementary School Teacher, Adelaide, Australia

“I am truly depressed after reading all these comments (okay I only read half — I couldn’t take it anymore) that only ONE person got that the billboard alteration was an attack on the ad campaign itself, one which exploits great men and women for the purpose of selling computers. It is NOT an attack on the Dalai Lama and it was certainly not perpetuated by “a card carrying member of the Microsoft borg.” Turn off the Star Trek reruns and get a clue!!”
Dinah R., freelance thinker, Berkeley

“Many posters have totally missed the point of the alteration. To me, it was a beautifully subtle comment on the mind-boggling oppression that China still exerts over Tibet, and how this manifested itself in a seemingly trivial decision by Apple to pull an advertisement. Anyone who thinks it was just a PC zealot needs to restrain their knees from jerking and engage their brain.”
Steve P., San Jose

“Fuckin’ “A”. That was funny. Good on yer.”

“Hey, great Dalai-board! Have you seen the billboard on Divisadero at, umm, I think, Hayes or within a block, on the south-west corner of the intersection. A cigarette board that is just ripe for the picking… made me think of you guys instantly… It’s Camel or Winston, shows the pack, and then just says, in large letters, “Kiss Your Additives Goodbye.” Need I say more?….”
Chris D.

“Whew – I was really worried that the Apple campaign was going to go unscathed. Thank you thank you thank you.”
Lisa P.

“So I am interested in your movement, I have talked about doing stuff like this for months. I rally enjoyed what you guts did last year in SF with C mansons head on the Levi’s billboard. i was returning from burning man. Please send me more info about your self and what I can do for the BLF cause.”
Chris C.

“Let’s see you do something with those Beetle ads…make an art car out of em…say something like “Artists Wanted” instead of ‘Drivers Wanted’…good luck”
Barbara Traub

“To whom it may concern,
If all you have to offer is to tear down rather than build, to attack rather than promote ideas that make a difference, to subvert rather than elevate, you’re just as screwed up as the corporate leaders you seem to hold in such low esteem. It’s easy to criticize, something else entirely to add something or do something that truly makes a meaningful difference. Here’s an idea, just in case there are some human beings around reading this…

Bucky Fuller would say that we’re at the end of the womb of acceptable ingnorance. The future of humanity depends on the integrity of the individual. It’s absolutely touch and go. Each one of us could make the difference. So why not reach in to your unique inventories of experience, and find a way to say what you mean, to mean what you say, and speak your truth with integrity instead of sarcasm.”
Dr. Rick

“You fellows seem like a pale imitation of the monkeywrench gang. You should also exercise more judgement when selecting a billbord to deface, I would suggest NBC (those hideous yellow things) and any billboards for beer. Apple, while the PR helped, doesn’t deserve it.”

“Cheers to Y’all!

Thank you for your vigilence. I got the URL to take a peek at your alteration of those pesky Apple ‘Think Differently’ Dali Lama signs. Excellent job! Inspiring response!!!

I’m a web designer by trade (who isn’t these days), and would be all too happy to apply those skills to such crafty efforts if ever you’re in need of such assistance.

Otherwise, I’ll be lurking around, ever observant of your always brilliant dialogue with our consumer mindscape.”

“I am sooo proud of you! Keep it up! And such an accurate and timely message…”
Bill Barker, The SCHWA Coroporation

“Just to let you know, your press release is full of errors. For instance: The struggling Cupertino-based computer manufacturer recently bounced back to record quarterly profits”

These were, in fact, not record profits, no where near it, but were in fact fairly small profits.

Congratulations, folks, for helping put money in Bill Gates pockets. After all, he needs it more than we do.
John R.

“thanks a ton for the press release. very funny.”
Jeff Stark, SF Weekly

“Pretty funny.

Your group was tossed around our newsroom yesterday as a suspect. About fifty people have sent me this release since then.”
Lisa Bowman, ZD News [author of the ZD News story]

“Thanks for the art. You’re beautiful people.”

“Thanks for highlighting the absurdity of apple’s most recent campaign. all i’ve been doing is complaining about it. i’m glad someone has actually gotten off their ass and done something.”
Mia Thompsom, Time Inc.

“Very nice. In Toronto I photographed an Apple billboard defaced by someone pleaing for them to “respect the dead.”

I have an idea for a series of alternative ads that would include Think…Distinctive (with a picture of Ted Kaczynski) coming to a lamppost near you!”
D.S. Black

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